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on account of hilly country
[[red underline]] Sag Harbor [[/red underline]] excellent anchorage. Stayed there only a couple of hours. [[strikethrough]] Then [[/strikethrough]] First meal with new potatoes purchased yesterday. [[red underline]] Never ate potatoes as good as these. [[/red underline]] Then dropt anchor in [[red underline]] North Western Harbor [[/red underline]] near [[red underline]] Cedar Point. [[/red underline]] Time for an excellent swim and some rowing. Then at about 3:00P.M proceeded towards [[red underline]] Plum Island [[/red underline]] where we found shelter for the night along the [[strikethrough]] little [[/strikethrough]] wharf of little [[red underline]] Plum Harbor [[/red underline]] a quiet shelter in all these turbulent waters. Some fishermen around. Great well behaved people. Towards evening another Yacht Gaviota II of Mr. Goss. Middletown
[[margin, red pencil, written vertically ]] ION [[\margin, red pencil, written vertically]]
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Conn. came in and tied up aft of us along the [[strikethrough]] Pier [[/strikethrough]] wharf. About 2A.M. violent thunderstorm and heavy rain keeping on all night. Had to get up to adjust fenders etc.
Aug 14. [[strikethrough]] Weather [[/strikethrough]] Rain has ceased at 6A.M. Kept at wharf till after our fish and potatoes were prepared and eaten then [[red underline]] went fishing near Lighthouse, ^[[ [[strikethrough]] Orient [[/strikethrough]] ]] at anchor. [[\red underline]] Tried ground fishing for black fish but current was so strong that even heavy sinkers failed to go down the bottom. Log indicated current [[red underline]] 3- to 4 Knots! [[/red underline]] This is the famous [[red underline]] Plum Gut current. [[/red underline]] Left wharf at 11:25 with 50 gals of gasoline in main tank. Lifted anchor at 1:25P.M for Connecticut River inlet but had some trouble with engine not working full speed so very strong current carried us way out of our course