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[[left margin in red]] ION [[/left margin]]
a very cheerful picture.
Weather much milder on afternoon 
Fish supper with potatoes and brown onions. - excellent.
Sept 4. A splendid starry night Very restful. This morning calm weather fresh but not too cool. Thermometer in my cabin 65° F. Nice and sunny. 
About noon lifted anchor and went to [[red underline]] Bayshore [[/red underline]] where anchored near jetty. Walked to village to send a telegram to [[red underline]] Celine [[/red underline]] telling her would be home Wednesday night after Directors' meeting and should like to go back on Thursday to Ion at Bayshore with her.
Sept 5 (Sunday) Went rowing in dinghy exploring neighborhood. there are some charming little side channels or canals traversing neighboring properties with about
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4 to 8 foot of water, shores nicely boarded and pretty lawn. several motor boats and small yachts snugly tied along shore and well kept all this a [[red underline]] lovely picture [[/red underline]] compared to usual waterfront. This seems an ideal place for keeping a yacht, seems like a private side street. An Englishman in his boat tells me they are bothered once in awhile after a storm with large amount of sea-weed in the canals. Station of [[red underline]] Bayshore [[/red underline]] has only a few trains. There is a boat running [[red underline]] Saltaire [[/red underline]] making two trips a day.
Left after lunch following shore passing [[red underline]] Patchogue [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] Belfort etc. [[/red underline]] channel