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to morrow night. Navigated to the Inlet then dropped anchor near Saltaire between spindle and black buoy over night. Sea somewhat choppy and strong rain during night. Low barometer
September 12 (Sunday) Raining and gray sky -- lower barometer. [[red underline]] Celine [[/red underline]] had poor night and feverish, and feels tired and wants to leave. She is undoubdetly showing symptoms of [[red underline]] sea-sickness. [[/red underline]] I persuade her to try to stay at least another day to get used to the water. Took a long walk ashore, [[red underline]] Saltaire, [[/red underline]] the [[strikethrough]] bea [[/strikethrough]] ocean beach, the Lighthouse etc then back aboard, and back to [[red underline]] Bayshore [[/red underline]] to telephone [[red underline]] Peters to cancel or engage- [[/red underline]] 
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ment for dinner then departed for [[red underline]] Bellport [[/red underline]] where we arrived just before sunset and cast anchor. [[red underline]] Celine [[/red underline]] feels much better. We caught many crabs
Weather clear but breezy then calmer. Barometer low
September 13. Up early. Splendid clear weather but low barometer
[[red underline]] Celine [[/red underline]] feels fine and took dip in the water. Has regained her usual cheerfulness. Rowed her around, then walked together to the village to buy some supplies. A small place with the usual grocery, drug store etc.
Came back about 10 AM and proceeded towards [[red underline]] Smith Point [[/red underline]] and thru the [[red underline]] Bridge. [[/red underline]] 
Some delay at opening the latter
Then cautiously finding our way along narrow crooked channel which I had explo-