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attempt. Finally got the narrow span open and I proceeded to back out of my position in doing so Lewis [[strikethrough]] fo [[/strikethrough]] had forgotten to look out for small [[red underline]] dinghy which got somewhat crushed [[/red underline]] and had a strake split and thwarts loosened, proceeded successfully through ^[[narrow]] span notwithstanding strong wind but in [[strikethrough]] com [[/strikethrough]] entering [[red underline]] Shinnecock Bay, [[/red underline]] coast guard in asking me to stop to take up [[strikethrough]] his friend [[/strikethrough]] the others, gave charge to the wind to blow me aground so had to kedge once more
After about 10 minutes when afloat again and went for anchor in [[red underline]] Penniman Creek [[/red underline]] which is full of eel grass. Beautiful sunset calm but cold night
two [[strikethrough]] cl [[/strikethrough]] small boys, who
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said they were [[red underline]] Mr. Hewitts [[/red underline]] children came to visit us in their rowboat and seemed very happy when we invited them to come aboard and look things over and asked endless questions until their governess, "Mamselle" as they called her, called them back from shore.
Sept 14. Left at about [[strikethrough]] 15. [[/strikethrough]] 7 AM [[red underline]] Celine [[/red underline]] feels splendid so do I. But wind is very strong and eel grass very thick and winds around propeller and we go very slowly. Channel very difficult and no stakes to guide by. Wind takes advantage of slow steering and blows me on shoals covered with eel grass. Tried back and forward but every gain frustrated by violent wind which blows us back where we do not want to