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caulked, painted & varnishes dinghy in garage.
Sept 19 (Sunday)
Another beautiful day.  Spent morning painting and varnishing dinghy.  [[red underline]] Dr. Jones [[\red underline]] came to claim his sail.
Sept 20.
Here all day and on Ion at Spuyten Duivel.  Lewis varnishing & staining together with Jim and his man, while I mended cracked dinghy ashore.
[[vertical annotation in red in left margin]]  ION [[\left margin]]
Sept 21.
More painting & varnishing.
Late afternoon met Prof. [[red underline]] Crouch [[\red underline]] at Webb's Shipbuilding Academy and talked boats till late.

Sept 22.
At 1P.M. at Faculty Club with [[red underline]] Cottrell [[\red underline]] who came to see me to talk about [[red underline]] Esperanto. [[\red underline]]  Same dear old crank.  Says intends to [[red underline]] resign from Bureau of Mines to become [[\red underline]]
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head [[red underline]] National Research Council. [[\red underline]]  Then meeting Cr. Duggan at office Institute International Education.  Then to [[red underline]] Chemical Exposition.  Bakelite exhibit with automatic press electrically [[\red underline]] heated draws great crowds.  [[strikethrough]] Accepted [[/strikethrough]] Informal dinner of Baskerville at Engineers Club with [[red underline]] Whitaker, Albert Hooker, Cottrell and Price-Green [[\red underline]] of Canada.
Sept 23.
Here most of day Evening dinner of [[red underline]] Am. Institute Chemical Engineers [[\red underline]] at Zeta Psi Club.  Met [[red underline]] Henry Howard and talked yachting [[\red underline]] and boats till 11P.M.
Sept 24.
[[red underline]] George Roll and Nina [[\red underline]] arrived.  Took G.R. to Chemical Exposition left him there till evening then returned home together [[red underline]] Baskerville [[\red underline]] and