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I took supper at Century.

Sept 26. (Sunday)
Home all morning.
Afternoon went out.  Celine [[red underline]] Nina & George Roll to Croton. [[\red underline]]  Sultry foggy warm days since middle last week.

Sept 27.
Another heavy foggy day and sultry.  Spent most of day reviewing tax returns of past years for [[red underline]] Internal Revenue agent [[\red underline]] a confoundedly boresome piece of a job.

[[strikethrough]]  Sept 27.  Afternoon between two showers went to visit Prof. Crouch to consult him in regard to contemplated sails on Ion.
Sept 28.  All day at home. [[\strikethrough]]

Evening met [[red underline]] C. Lansing Hays [[\red underline]] for supper at Century Club.  Casually I mentioned to him that the compact of RLH and myself in 

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regard to electing directors is illegal because it tries to evade the stipulation of the State Corporation Law in regard to voting trusts and even if it might be considered to be a voting trust it would have ceased to be effective five years after its signature.  [[red underline]] He admitted this readily.
He makes a good impression and I have no objection [[\red underline]] to him serving as a director.

Sept 28.
Another foggy rainy day.  Afternoon between two showers had about one hours consultation with Prof. [[red underline]] Crouch [[\red underline]] at Webb Academy in relation to my proposed [[red underline]] sails on Ion. [[\red underline]]  Whole matter now seems to hinge on preventing vertical crushing strain on roof of cabin