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and [[red underline]] we are willing to undertake the gamble under following conditons [[/red underline]] Laurence is the principal in all further discussions for the reason that he [[red underline]] has been much longer with us and is better known than Peakes [[strikethrough]] also [[/strikethrough]] who seems to have lack of manners and arouses opposition.  Furthermore Laurence has more claim on [[/red underline]] account of past history with our company  In as far as whole thing is still up in the air and [[red underline]] simply a gamble [[/red underline]] in which we will furnish cash and help without reasonable certainty of success all definite arrangements must be left to future agreement.  We intend however to create a department of the kind of which we should desire to make [[red underline]] Laurence [[/red underline]] the head or one of the main factors and in case the department pays make his financial return dependent upon the amount
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of financial success paying him besides a regular salary a certain percentage of the net profits so as to stimulate his good will and zeal.
In the mean time we are willing
1/ to [[red underline]] reimburse all the money [[/red underline]] spent [[strikethrough]] for [[/strikethrough]] by them thus far.
2/ Pay them an extra bonus for extra work which they voluntarily supplied.
3/ furnish capital and other means to push the [[strikethrough]] sh [[/strikethrough]] scheme and try its ultimate possibilities.
Waited all afternoon for [[red underline]] Celine [[/red underline]] to arrive.  Finally about 5:45 P.M she came aboard.
[[vertical notation in red in left margin]] ION [[/left margin]]  Zeeryp had driven her with his car over Staten Island.  Hurried departure at about 5:45 P.M.  Slight delay at bridges then in Raritan channel easy to follow, very little wind.  Dropped anchor near Crab Island just before darkness.