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Oct. 16. [[strikethrough]] Up [[/strikethrough]] Again beautiful weather 
Lifted anchor at 6:00 A.M. to go to [[red underline]] Smith's Creek, [[/red underline]] and dropped anchor in well protected water just beyond [[red underline]] Miller's Dock. [[/red underline]] This dock belongs to Miller Oyster Canning Co. Near by is [[red underline]] Wynne [[/red underline]] Post office and a small country store and a few houses. Mostly colored people. Went with [[red underline]] George [[/red underline]] exploring neighboring branches of Creek in Evinrude. Prettily wooded shores easy access and good water. Excellent crabbing 
Woods, sandy and high dry land, soil covered with pine needles. Bought some supplies at store also a chicken near by. Lifted anchor 12:25 P.M and entered [[red underline]] Nomini Bay [[/red underline]] where dropped anchor in land locked anchorage just beyond last red buoy, in some kind of large basin with wooded shores. Went exploring [[red underline]] Nomini Creek [[/red underline]] in Evinrude and bought some supplies at McGuire landing. Charming landscape 
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and good water, deep enough for two masted schooners. Foliage picturesque. Quiet charming [[red underline]] corner of Virginia. [[/red underline]]
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