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of Ion.
Oct 29. Afternoon 4P.M went to meeting of [[red underline]] Institute of International Education.  Butler, Pritchett, Ames, James, Munroe and Duggan present [[/red underline]]
Then for hurried supper to University Club.  Then lectured before Chemists Club on my experiences in South America.
Oct 30. Home all day.  Bright but cold weather.
[[strikethrough]] Nov 1 [[/strikethrough]] Oct 31 1920 (Sunday) Visit for lunch of Drs [[red underline]] DePage, Bordet (Nobel Prize,) Sand and Oustin [[/red underline]] all of the [[red underline]] University of Brussels. [[/red underline]]  Animated conversation.  [[red underline]] Sand [[/red underline]] gave me a copy of his book on labor sociological and hygiene conditions in the U.S and Great Britain.  A very

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interesting compilation of conditions as he found them.
Drove them back to their hotel (Biltmore) whence they intended to leave at 4P.M for [[red underline]] Boston. [[/red underline]]  Pleasant mild weather.
Nov 1. Here all day straightening up correspondence.  Evening went to movies with Celine, George Roll & Nina.
Nov 2. [[underline]] Election. [[/underline]]  Got up early to vote, then busy here with several belated things.  At noon [[red underline]] Celine [[/red underline]] had for lunch some of her workers of [[red underline]] Prospect house tag Day [[/red underline]]  Gave 21.00 early for Prospect House. Gray day finishing in rain & wind.
Nov 3. [[red underline]] Overwhelming majority of Republican votes everywhere.  A great Republican victory. [[/red underline]] Undoubtedly [[red underline]] a vote along [[/red underline]] party lines no real important principle involved.   The [[red underline]] League of Nations [[/red underline]] questions invoked