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[[vertical annotation in red in left margin]] Tia Juana M [[/left margin]]
bad weather. Top of cabin and deck are covered with tar-paper! The [[strikethrough]] bea [[/strikethrough]] boat has a small propeller which is an improvement on the former "Sir Francis" which was wrecked on the Mexican coast some time ago. Drake himself is a clumsy, limping undersized little man with with close cropped hair and a grayish brushy little mustache. [[red underline]] One of his legs is half lame [[/red underline]] which makes his moving about rather hesitating  
Afternoon went to [[red underline]] Tia Juana [[/red underline]] Before doing so had to be provided with a [[red underline]] special passport [[/red underline]] valid for 40 miles within the borderline. The passport itself was delivered free of charge by the American officer at the Custom-house but the photograph costs 75 cents
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[[vertical annotation in red in left margin]] Tia Juana [[/left margin]]
and the visa of the Mexican consul $2.00. Men and women stood in line at the Custom-house, the [[red underline]] photographer and the Mexican consul. [[/red underline]] Formality seems to be desired principally to give the [[red underline]] Mexican consul a good income [[/red underline]] from the would-be Tia-Juanans. There is a train running between San Diego and the border line but most people prefer motor cars which are loaded 8 passengers each besides the driver -- fare is 60 cents. Rapid drive takes about 40 minutes, thru National City then Tia Juana where a very informal inspection of passports is held by the Mexican officer about 50 feet away from American Custom-house.  [[strikethrough]] then [[/strikethrough]] as soon as the border is passed there is a [[red underline]] striking contrast. [[/red underline]] The hilly fields