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all other directors present. Meeting longer than usual and [[red underline]] consumed 45 minutes [[/red underline]]  
Explained them about general situation of General bakelite Co. financial results, past present and prospects, ditto for [[red underline]] Dane [[/red underline]] Molding Co and interpretation of balance sheet of the year which notwithstanding our great losses closes with about 40% net profits [[red underline]] on stock capital. [[/red underline]] Urge conservation and [[red underline]] husbanding our resources in these unsettled quickly varying times.
[[short vertical red line in left margin]]
[[/red underline]] Very pleasant meeting.
[[red underline]] George Roll [[/red underline]] immediately went to Newark to straighten up things there.
Afternoon went to Columbia to meet Pegram and 
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Bogert to discuss allotment of Research fellowships.  Evening supper at University Club with Townsend and Knowlton.
Feb 4. Here all day. [[red underline]] George Roll and Nina [[/red underline]] went to spend evening at Lamquets. Nina came back with a cold.
Feb. 5. Here all day. Visit of Dr. Scott who came to interest me in a project for research on industrial management etc.
Went to [[red underline]] Ion [[/red underline]] to measure bulkhead and examine possibility of [[red underline]] stepping mast [[/red underline]] near middle 
Then back home. George Roll was at [[strikethrough]] Newark [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Conants]] following accounting of Dane Molding Co 
Had a long talk with him concerning business problems of B.G. Co.
Feb 6 (Sunday) Here all day.