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for first time since several weeks I slept in my room.
George [[strikethrough]] begins to [[/strikethrough]] shows more evident signs of beginning baldness and looks wiry and thin altho' healthy.
With the 3 grandchildren and their parents the family is very complete since quite some time.
July 30. Busy straightening out my papers etc. and laying out my work. Started sketch for my address of coming meeting of Am-Chemical Society.
[[strikethrough]] Aug 1 [[/strikethrough]] 
July 31 (Sunday) Rain & storm. Writing address for chemical meeting Lewis on boat in City Island
Aug 1, 1921. (Monday) Bright weather. Northern blowing. Lewis telephones he is not yet ready with the boat on account of rain
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Aug 2. Further [[strikethrough]] writing [[/strikethrough]] ^[[work]] on my address.  [[red underline]] Announcement [[/red underline]] of decision of Judge Chatfield in [[red underline]] my favor [[/red underline]]. This patent suit decision has been awaited since about 2½ years, and has kept me in the doldrums, unable to go ahead with other infringers and in the mean time allowing the pirates of my intellectural property to disseminate lies and calumnies broadcast. At the same time the shortsighted lawyers of some of our licensees for instance [[red underline]] Westinghouse [[/red underline]] and Continental Fibre Co have been nagging me and insinuating bad faith for not following their stupid advice to start new cases before this one was decided. They went ahead on their own hook [[strikethrough]] taking sid [[/strikethrough]] sueing on minor patents of their own dependent on my broader patents and