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C.T Townsend
Sept 14. Went with  Lewis to the Ion and spent most of day putting things in shape
Sept 15. Left for cruise on the Ion. Feel very much depressed and nervous. Celine is kind and considerate as usually. Seems to guess under what depression and melancholia I am laboring. I fell very unhappy and worried about everything. Got aboard about 10 AM but left only at 12 1/2 on account of delay of Lewis. Beautiful weather. Scarcely out the Bridge had serious trouble with the clutch which does not release. Had to anchor in the middle of the Hudson. Sent Lewis to Floyd with dinhy to get his advice. After much tinkering and no positive result, anchored
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near Palisades over night not knowing what to do to morrow [[strike]] Has [[/strike]] Used dinghy with sail to bring Floyd back to Spuyten Duival. Quiet and refreshing night.
Sept 16. Feel well rested and much improved. Managed to make clutch work. Left anchorage at 8 1/2 AM for Lower Bay. Went out sailing around Sandy Hook and experimented with [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] staysail converted into a spinnaker. Light breeze but experiment successful. Feel another man. Dropt anchor in Horseshoe. Very quiet and restful night.
Sept. Up at sunrise and an early rain. Rainy and squally weather all day. Wrote letters and fixed things.