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[[annotation in top margin in red]] Nassau [[/annotation]]
rather high fore so as to protect from the spray and lowering down aft
[[image: drawing from above of boat showing cabin and cock pit, with them labeled]]
[[image: drawing of boat from the side showing mast and cabin with 3 port holes]]
March 16. This is heaven after the boresome noisy restless Miami.
Went to market. Same jabbering laughing, quarreling set of negroes and negro women with their bulky god earrings
March 17. Dr. [[strikethrough]] Jolly [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Dolly]] and his wife, droveme ^[[drove me]] and Mrs. Double-
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[annotation in top margin in red]] [[?]] [[/annotation]]
day ^[[Doubleday]] to Old Fort where Dolly has his house and plantation Sisal, and coconuts. He was formerly professor at the University of Pennsylvania has studied in Germany and Johns Hopkins, is a chemist a physician and a [[strikethrough]] blow [[/strikethrough]] biologist and was many years in Mexico where he says he lost everything he had (1/2 million) and is now engaged in promoting several enterprises amongst others shark-skin leather etc. Ellis and Rogers seem to be connected with this end of it. His wife is a Englishwoman, seems nervous, restless and shivering and self-conscious, and has been living in many parts of the world and refers frequently to her first husband