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and Nelson are on ^[[head]] the list for promotion as soon as the funds can spare an extra dollar. Told him also a head for department of Chemistry will be needed but he says "better no head than the wrong head" to which I agree. He asked me if I had anybody in view.
I said no but such men as Moore (of Bureau of Mines) G.N. Lewis, or Swain would be the men to fill the position. [[strikethrough]] He [[/strikethrough]] Told him how unpleasant it was to come around and tell him disagreeable things but I felt I could afford to do so as I had no axe to grind and furthermore it was my duty to do so. He thanked
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me. Afterwards lunch at Faculty Club then addressed graduating students who are destined to take the Engineering course - on Chemical Engineering and its opportunities. Other speakers were Jackson, Hetherington and Pegram
April 19. Here all morning. Long telephone talk with Rossi over present conditions. Afternoon to New York, back here for supper
April 20. George Roll here to clear up some paper. A telegram from Karpen telling Kirk Brown writes Clark wants to make definite offer for purchase of stock and Karpen thinks it advisable to meet him. George Roll says Hays is ill so I answered back that I am prepared to meet them if