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vice president and manager of Corn Products Co. He is a cold severe matter of fact man, without a smile as Nichols has described him 
Told him I did not expect him to discard the excellent processes which they had developed and standardized at great trouble and expense. That such an action would be folly. All what I wanted is that they should look into the matter a little further in an experimental laboratory way. That his objections [[?]], [[?]] etc are true enough but there are also advantages - as doing away with tanks etc. Succeeded in getting his approval of further experiments and
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referred him to Coats.
Evening supper at University Club Admiral Bowles at our table. [[strikethrough]] Then [[/strikethrough]]
April 21. Here all morning long talk with Rossi about desirability of purchasing Government stock of Phenol
April 22. Called up Coats in regard to [[red underline]] Baskerville [[/red underline]] process Lunch at U.C then went to a matinee. Supper at University Club with Admiral Bowles and Howard Elliot. Then to Century Club. 75th anniversary of foundation. Elihu Root made address reviewing history and contrasting present conditions of the United States with those 75 years ago. Then display of moving pictures made about 10 years ago of