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himself one way or another 
Evening we had a dinner offered at [[red underline]] Coffee House [[/red underline]] Club to Cary Hutchinson and his wife.- Bridges - Mathews, Bernie Barker, George Peck Pupin, Ledlie, McKetterick [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] Hardon, Mershon and myself. Very enjoyable party
May 24. Went to Bank to deposit $10000 Liberty Bond as collateral in case my account has to be overdrawn. Left it to Meacham. I find I have now in my possession
 405 Bakelite Corporation Pfd.
8020    "        "        Com.
Still missing the shares in name of Nina, George Roll, George Baekeland, and Celine 
Afternoon met Karpen and Redman first, discussed salary
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list ^[[with Redman]] and employment contract they practically agree on what we proposed.
Then Kirk Brown presided meeting on sales and advertising and policy. Very well conducted and well prepared. I am glad to see him doing so well and makes me hope for better work from him than I dared to expect thus far. Thru at 6 P.M 
May 25. Early to New York. Met May on the street. Told him that if this could help him in facilitating getting in [[strikethrough]] New Yo [[/strikethrough]] new job, we would entertain paying him in full for the year and terminating his contract. But matter should better come from his part and would have to be submitted to Hays.
More revisiting employment