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[[left margin vertically in red]] Casablanca [[/left margin]]
of Africa. - So will [[red underline]] Rabat [[/red underline]] after its harbor gets improved. In the mean time the French have done well of building their new towns outside of the old Arab town. 
Bought ticket for steamer to [[red underline]] Gibraltar [[/red underline]] (200 fcs = $14.00).  Feel very tired.  Early to bed. 
April 15. (Sunday) Bright sunny weather to gladden one's heart after all these rainy days. Feel well rested. This [[red underline]] hotel Excelsior [[/red underline]] is certainly the best I have struck since Hotel Fleury at Cannes and by [[red underline]] far the best in Morocco. [[/red underline]] Mailed a letter to [[red underline]] Celine [[/red underline]] A long walk. The motley crowd of Arabs of every description and Europeans gives a very picturesque picture in the streets. While you sit before 
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a [[strikethrough]] cafe [[/strikethrough]] Parisian cafe' sipping your beer or coffee all variations of Arabs pass before you. Carpet vendors, fakirs, street musicians, half naked watervendors, who [[red underline]] sell the liquid from a hairy goat skin, [[/red underline]] with a brass nipple on it and clink their bright glass tumblers. A velodrome enterprise had hired some Arab boys to carry square sign boards each one carrying a capital letter of the word [[red underline]] VELODROME. [[/red underline]] Someway or another the boys got quarreling in the street [[strikethrough]] with [[/strikethrough]] and the word [[red underline]] Velodrome got twisted [[/red underline]] and modified in the most amusing fashions, until the "V" boy licked them all again in line. Gesticulating and loud talking quarreling Arabs seem as if they were going to