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[[vertical annotation in left margin in red]] Tarifa - Spain [[/left margin]]
below lies the sea and the straights of [[red underline]] Gibraltar [[/red underline]] "Pillars of Hercules," and the mountains of the african shore well visible. Then our road winds thru large [[red underline]] cork forests. [[/red underline]] Cork trees stripped of their valuable bark. Oxen teams with cork driving to [[red underline]] Algerica [[/red underline]] Then we arrive at [[red underline]] Tarifa [[/red underline]] with its Moorish gates. and old appearance. A short stop and a cup of coffee. The spick and span red and gold laced [[red underline]] Carabineri [[/red underline]] Tarifa seems a good harbor for small ships No yachts visible. Roads are acceptable and my roomy double seat next to chauffeur is quite comfortable.  Further on [[red underline]] grazing bulls [[/red underline]] and more and more flowers
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[[vertical annotation in left margin]] Very bad roads here! but bus managed to hobble along. [[/left margin]]
[[vertical annotaton in left margin in red]] Spain [[/left margin]]
Stopped ^[[near]] [[strikethrough]] at [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] Vega de la Frontera [[/red underline]] with a high hill on top of which is built the old town with its antique walls and towers. A little river near our road. Time to get a hasty bite and a glass of good sherry. More winding roads thru hills then drives thru the cobble stoned streets of old [[red underline]] Chiclana, [[/red underline]] crooked ill paved narrow streets. Then ^[[numerous]] big pyramids of [[red underline]] salt [[/red underline]] obtained from the [[red underline]] Salinas [[/red underline]] in which water from ocean is fed and salt reclaimed by natural evaporations. Important industry here. 
Then [[red underline]] San Fernando [[/red underline]] large prosperous looking town Hotels, banks and restaurants (See Baedeker)
Naval academy here.