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July 23. Northern started blowing after another shower. This morning left directly under sail tacking. N. wind. Then went down river all sails set. Moderate breeze. At noon dropt anchor before Corinthian Yacht Club to get news from home. Much cooler weather 70 [[degree symbol]] F Former days 05 [[degree symbol]] F
Sailed down river to Dyckman then in returning found trouble of our engine heating due to corroded obstructed outlet. 
Anchored before Yonkers Corinthian Yacht Club.
July 24. Early left for our mooring at Spuyten Duivel. Dick there with Ford truck. Went buying new parts for corroded pump outlet etc. At home for lunch. Telephoned to office everything O.K.
July 25. Here all day. Celine,
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Cornelia and Nina left with all children, nurse and our cook for [[strikethrough]] Ar [[/strikethrough]] our camp in Adirondacks.
July 26. 9 A.M. meeting with Sanford Brown All day at office. Redman here
July 27. Another strenuous day at office Tired home with 6:35 P.M train 
July 28. ^[[Meeting of Executive committee]] Dr. Holmes at office. Met. Sanford A. Brown, Schleussner, George Roll, George B. Swan, Redman and myself. Gave a short lecture on lime. Made good impression. Took him and Redman to University Club. Promised him $5000 and no less than $6500 including bonus.
Lewis, Dick and Frederiksen all painting deck of Ion.
July 29. (Sunday) All alone at home Redman for lunch discussing bakelite matters, then the Georges came and joined. Unanimous opinion