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are put in their natural environment of tropical plants and trees. and show a maximum of display for a minimum amount of water the water in falling being spread out in a very thin veil.
The nigger of the estate who accompanied me said all [[red underline]] the niggers on the estate were very poor and earned very little. [[/red underline]] Nevertheless his children half naked but with [[strikethrough]] as [[/strikethrough]] a fish rod in their hands and a [[strikethrough]] ha [[/strikethrough]] a hollow coconut with bait [[red underline]] seemed very happy and smiling as compared to our boys who must go to school. [[/red underline]] They were polite and subdued to strangers. A Fig tree was pointed out to me [[strikethrough]] wh [[/strikethrough]] of which
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the vinelike trunk and roots spread over and around big trees until the latter are entirely enveloped and strangled and finally die. Back to hotel at noon then rain. Got telegram from Abraham another car is being dispatched to me from Kingston. Car arrived 3:30 P.M. a seven passenger old Hudson. New driver's name is Broderick he is the owner of the car. Paid 10₤ in advance to Burdo before I left him.
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Paid 1₤ for Board in hotel [[/annotation]]
We left at 4 P.M. road follows shore - Good - and interesting. Evening pass thru Falmouth for short stop for bottle of ale. [[red underline]] Falmouth [[/red underline]] seems quite larger than [[strikethrough]] mat [[/strikethrough]] other places we have passed. - Good fishing