Viewing page 2 of 83

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[[pencil annotation]]
AC 0005
Diary 38 [[/annotation]]

[[preprinted label]]
Phone Vanderbilt 10497
Drimmer Stationery Co.
Printers - Engravers
Office Outfitters
43 East 46th Street
Near Madison Ave. New York [[/label]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[preprinted]][[star]]3145 [[/preprinted]]

This Journal belongs 
"Snug Rock", Harmony Park
Yonkers, N.Y. 

From July [[overwritten]] 19 [[/overwritten]]
          10, 1924
  to Feb 1. - 1925

In case of loss ^[[please]] communicate with him (telephone number is Yonkers 3436) and a reward will be offered to the finder, or telephone 1840 VanderBilt (New York) 
New York address c/o Bakelite Corporation 
247 Park Avenue.

Transcription Notes:
AC 0005 not 0008? His "8" underneath is written in a different style. Checked previous diary and it's transcribed as a 5