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(See Log of ION.)
July [[strikethrough]] 11 [[/strikethrough]] 10, 1924

Lewis and Dick very handy the latter is picking up rapidly. - Refreshing sleep marvelous weather. Sorry to leave this spot.
[[left margin]] sketch of anchor [[/left margin]] 
7:35 A.M. Perfect sun no other boats.  Arrive White Hall 2:30 P.M. but must wait 1 1/2 as locks open only every 3 hours.  Dropped anchor 7 P.M. near [[left margin]] sketch of anchor [[/left margin]]
Benson Landing.  Exquisite spot.  Went out sailing in dinghy till after dark.
July 11 Up early rigging masts and sails.  Then left under sail alone northwards.  Anchored at Westport.  5 P.M. [[left margin ]] sketch of anchor]] [[/left margin]]
July 11.  Another beautiful day.  Ice - provisions, telegrams etc. attended to sailed all morning in dinghy

Transcription Notes:
Second reference to July 11 must be Baekeland's error referring to July 12.