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employee. While I was there a Canadian officer in uniform introduced himself as Major Hubert Stethem Royal Canadian Dragoons stationed at the barracks in St. Johns. He is a Yachtsman and offers me courtesies of the Club; drove me in his auto to the grocery store where I purchased 4 cases excellent Canadian Ale at 20 cents a quart bottle, then took me to military club and to his house where he introduced me to his wife. Her brother [[strikethrough]] studies [[/strikethrough]] takes post-graduate course in Metallurgy at Columbia. The major then escorts me back to my boat. Everybody very courteous from officials to locks and bridge tenders
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Everybody smiling and nodding and interested in my boat. Canal and locks and bridges well kept. Some of the tenders are disabled veterans of the late war.  One young man with one leg missing handles lock notwithstanding his crutch. Greatest excitement at Chambly where gentlemen, ladies and children, summer students there [[strikethrough]] flack [[/strikethrough]] flock around and come on deck to be locked in. One elderly gentleman in noticing the [[underline]] rosette of a coat [[/underline]] hanging in my cabin exclaimed [[underline]] "Légion d'Honneur" [[/underline]] and seemed suddenly to discover that I was not one of the deck hands.  [[underline]] Reverse clutch does not work [[/underline]] and this gives me some trouble in the locks. Lewis and Dick very devoted and active.  

Transcription Notes:
verified name Hubert Stethem as correct