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so badly since consolidation into [[underline]] Allied Dye & Chemical Co [[\underline]] with its Wall street managers.  Yet there was a well attended meeting, - teachers, students and industrial chemists.  Everything went off well.

Dec. 3.  Left on early train for [[underline]] Schenectady [[\underline]] (8.40)  When I arrived there [[underline]] Dr. Whitney [[\underline]] was at the station with his motor car.  Drove me to Mohawk Club.  At noon lunch with him and [[underline]] Dr. Coolidge [[\underline]] and pleasant chat till 2 P.M  Then tried to rest but could not.  Eveng lectured at [[underline]] Union College [[\underline]] Chemical auditorium.  Preceeded by a dinner in the building.  [[underline]] Dr. Ellery [[\underline]] dean and Senior Professor of Chemistry presiding.  Dr. William Mason had come from Troy
Auditorium entirely filled.  Many men and women from 

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Highschool - teachers and students there.  Felt rather tired and this was my worst evening.  Whitney drove me in his Ford to [[underline]] Albany [[\underline]] over snowy roads.  Caught the midnight train.  Off at Yonkers at 4.30 A.M.

Dec. 4.  Dick at station.  Went to bed for a couple of hours more sleep.  Wanted to rest morning but whole house was upset by the fact that a photographer was trying to photograph the grand-children their mothers and grandmother.  Charivari of noises.  Feel decidedly tired
Evening drove to [[underline]] United Engineering Building [[\underline]] to sit on platform at Commemoration of [[underline]] Carnot's [[\underline]] 2d law of thermodynamics
Afternoon went out with Dick Jim and Frank to supervise putting