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City taxes.
We [[underline]] all agree that Chicago plant should be postponed until we get there with our Eastern plant [[\underline]] and that in the mean time we might supply Chicago market from our Eastern plants
2/ [[underline]] Bloomfield increase will [[\underline]] be small even if we spend $25000 on alterations, furthermore [[underline]] Bloomfield unsuitable [[\underline]] for further development.
3/ [[underline]] Big central Eastern plant is necessary but cannot be made ready in time [[\underline]] for our expected increase during second part of 1925
4/ Therefore [[underline]] addition to present Perth Amboy plant must precede it and must [[\underline]] be started immediately.
Afternoon [[underline]] Dr. Norris, [[\underline]] my successor as President of American Chemical Society came

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here and I advised him to [[underline]] continue the Endowment fund [[\underline]] and also to maintain the present committee on patents.  Told him I could not afford to be a member on any of these committees but I could help better in an advisory capacity whenever conditions warranted it.  Norris tells me has has been retained by [[underline]] Brunswick Balke Calander Co as defendants [[\underline]] in our suit against them for infringement.  [[underline]] Little [[\underline]] is making the analysis and [[underline]] McCormick [[\underline]] (Armour Institute) is their deniest.  Told him I am glad to know I shall have to deal with high class men.  The trouble in former suits was the class of men employed by the defense

Transcription Notes:
Brunswick Balke Collender Co had a patent lawsuit in 1925