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Jan 13.  Interview with Dickie of [[underline]] World's Work [[\underline]] about the future in Chemistry.  He wanted [[underline]] to write me up personally, [[\underline]] and my work on Bakelite.  Told him I did not like that kind of publicity and desired to limit my interview to [[underline]] impersonal matters [[\underline]] only to the future of Chemistry and Science on which I could speak impersonally and with less reserve.
Then had conference with [[underline]] Townsend [[\underline]] and McKee, [[underline]] Barnes [[\underline]] about next week patent suit in [[underline]] Wilmington. [[\underline]]  Told Townsend we should concentrate our order on the [[underline]] heat and pressure [[\underline]] patent and leave out the patent on bases in as far as the analytical results are not decisive to uphold any 

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action on the latter subject.  Afterwards [[underline]] Little [[\underline]] came to see me at our office to interest us in his enterprise of solvent synthetic chemicals from cracking of oil.

Jan 14.  More snow.  Have had snow since several days.  Stayed home to make tests of infringing billard ball samples in laboratory.  Filled blanks for tax returns.  Federal & State.
Eveng went to dinner of [[underline]] Older Columbia Graduates, [[\underline]] Pupin President.  I [[underline]] supplied a gallon of my home [[\underline]] made wine to our speakers table.  [[underline]] Much appreciated. [[\underline]]  A pleasant dinner well attended.  Drove Pupin home [[strikethrough]] then [[/strikethrough]].

Jan. 15.  Executive meeting.  [[underline]] Karpen [[\underline]] there.  Discussed all