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"President Taft". I have a cabin all to myself for which I pay double rates. New 21000 ton ship very modern and substantial but no attempt at fancy things. [[underline]] All service [[/underline]] except crew are [[underline]] Chinese. [[/underline]] Ship is [[underline]] "dry" [[/underline]] and runs under American flag. (Shipping board)
Many [[underline]] Chinese and Japanese [[/underline]] and their wives and children All dressed in Western Clothes and [[underline]] look smaller and homelier than ever. [[/underline]] In their kimonos or Oriental clothes at least they look picturesque Many fat Chinese and their fat wives and [[underline]] all degrees of Eurasians. [[/underline]] [[strikethrough]] Then [[/strikethrough]]I see no negroes. I notice a group of black turbaned [[underline]] shiks; [[/underline]] tall erect, muscu
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lar, bearded. But for their bronze dark color they look like Sout Europeans except that they are decidedly taller. and thin legs
At 4 P.M gave myself the second injection [[underline]] antityphoid. [[/underline]] serum. Just 10 days ago. Dr. Getty gave me the first. Pain and feverishness starts during dinner and continues during night
Feb 8. (Sunday) Pain somewhat subsided but feeling of sore muscles all thru my body
Sunny and little wind but strong swells causing much rolling. Spent day reading
Feb 9. [[underline]] Still pain in arm and muscular pains [[/underline]] in neck and sides last night. but improving. Strong head seas and much pitching. Temperature milder [[underline]] Cinema [[/underline]] show every night