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it too uncomfortable and let his [[underline]] imagination do the rest; [[/underline]] at the [[underline]] Astor Hotel. [[/underline]] He tells me I should go from [[underline]] Hong Kong to Hai-Fon thence Hanoi then to Saigon, [[/underline]] then Pnom Penh then to Kep; thence to Bangkok then R.R to Penam, then by Steamer to Sumatra, then motor to Fort De Cock; then Padang then Steamer to [[strikethrough]] Sarabaya [[/strikethrough]] [[underline]] Soerabaya; [[/underline]] then overland to Bataira; thence to Singapore then to Colombo or Calcutta etc.
Steamer left at 3 P.M. [[underline]] Begging Chinamen, [[/underline]] young and old: A dwarf making sommersaults before me when I approached gangplank. A young [[underline]] Chinese Boy about 8 years old [[/underline]] making an extraordinary performance in acrobatics; in the most natural
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[[strikethrough]] whay [[/strikethrough]] ^[[way]] on wharf just below the ship. Then a Chinese band of musicians: trombone, clarinet, saxophone etc. dressed in military caps and the most loud bright carmine silk tunics, blowing lustily in their instruments ^[[parodies of]] [[underline]] "Tipperary"! [[/underline]] and similar songs; while our own Filipino band strikes up "Aloha".
The tide is coming in and for hours till after dark an unbroken succession of every kind of Chinese sailboats. (See photos) All sails set, light winds hundreds and hundreds; perhaps thousand of them in an [[underline]] unbroken procession, [[/underline]] all carrying something or another. Have never seen [[underline]] so many sailboats in such a short time. [[/underline]] With their [[strikethrough]] lu [[/strikethrough]] slatted sails, some of them