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in one of the pleasant shaded gardenlike streets. Has cable that everything is well. Then to Tourist Bureau. Mr Henri Blaquiere who was ^[[was]] formerly ^[[a]] functionnaire and now runs this bureau. Was a professeur "de l'amerguement moyen". He only speaks French. There is an Englishman from India whose name is [[underline]] Phillips, [[/underline]] who attends to the English part. Met there a [[underline]] Captain Toy [[/underline]] [[strikethrough]] f [[/strikethrough]] (field Artillery, U.S. Army) stationed in Phillipines who had come over in [[underline]] a Danish Freight steamer [[/underline]] and says he enjoyed trip immensely. Good cabin, good food, interesting captain of the ship etc. [[strikethrough]] Wants to [[/strikthrough]] Came
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to shoot a tiger is going up to Dalat; which is the favorite spot for big game hunters. Accessible easily by one days train from Saigon then motor bus. Bungalow there to stay. [[underline]] Blaquieres [[/underline]] is [[underline]] laying out a tour for me. [[/underline]] Am to late for taking boat to [[strikethrough]] Pnom [[/strikethrough]] Siam so must stay 17 days.
At [[underline]] Continental hotel [[/underline]] met a young American [[underline]] Giant [[/underline]] whose job it is to collect specimens for [[underline]] New York Museum of Natural history. [[/underline]] There is another young chap who just arrived from [[underline]] tiger hunting in Malaysia [[/underline]] or [[underline]] Siam [[/underline]] and who is going to join [[underline]] Toy [[/underline]] and the other young man. While I am