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of the waters during the rainy season. Annamite ("Mem" is his name) finally turns up at 6.30 A.M.  Roads are excellent and follow the river until we pass a hand paddled flat ferry with which we cross at [[underline]] Oudong [[/underline]] 7:50 AM. Then over a straight flat road, raised as a dyke over the surrounding low lands. - a succession of [[underline]] marshes [[/underline]] a few [[underline]] paddy-fields [[/underline]] (rice) brushes and [[underline]] tall sugar palms which look like tall palmettos [[/underline]] of [[underline]] Florida [[/underline]] and the whole [[underline]] landscape reminds me [[/underline]] of the [[underline]] Everglades. [[/underline]] It is [[underline]] burning hot. [[/underline]] I notice rows of [[underline]] half naked Cambodgians [[/underline]] armed with [[underline]] sharp steel spears, [[/underline]] nets and baskets over their shoulders. Their brown bodies and glaring black eyes together with their
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glistening steel spears and long broad bladed sharp knives on bamboo poles make me feel in strange surroundings while we hop along at 30 miles, honking and tooting to clear the road. 
They [[underline]] catch the fish which remains in the pools after the retreating waters. [[/underline]] In these muddy pools they either spear them or scoop them with their bamboo woven scoops or nets. Some [[underline]] fishes [[/underline]] are quite good size measuring [[underline]] 2 and 2 1/2 feet [[/underline]] This fish seems to be long lived and [[underline]] keeps alive in this hot sun [[/underline]] or mud [[strikethrough]] dy water [[/strikethrough]] ^[[or sand]] [[underline]] for a long [[/underline]] time. We pass 2 or three motor busses overcrowded with natives and their bundle, every seat and even the bonnet occupied. The [[underline]] bundles [[/underline]] on [[underline]] the roof [[/underline]] and [[underline]] on top of [[/underline]] the bundles of a [[underline]] few more passengers [[/underline]]