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is carried out while chattering and screeching They look like a real happy crowd. One of them while jumping and swinging [[underline]] carries a little monkey closely [[/underline]] to its stomach while the little one passes both legs and arms around her back. Many grand [[underline]] Ceiba [[/underline]] trees as in the [[underline]] West Indies. [[/underline]] their roots spreading between the ruins or cracks or openings in the stones. [[strikethrough]] Elephants [[/strikethrough]] Tap tells me [[underline]] wild elephants [[/underline]] are hunted with [[underline]] tame elephants [[/underline]] x 
[[vertical annotation in left margin]] 
x Just like in the Congo [[/vertical annotation]] and after once coralled are rather easy to tame after awhile 
Back for lunch, excellent and free wine. Excellent inexpensive Champagne
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Usual siesta, till 3 P.M. No breeze and 90°F in my room but fan and shower help much to give comfort 
There are many tall [[underline]] sugar palms [[/underline]] in the forest and everywhere. [[underline]] Ressemble a tall palmetto [[/underline]] of Florida 
They bear a bunch of fruit below their crown which looks like a small round coconut but [[underline]] which contains a sweet liquid. [[/underline]] Many of the trees are provided with a long bamboo pole tied against the trunk. The [[underline]] alternating side branches of the bamboo have [[/underline]] been cut off so as to leave about 6" to 8" stick out which act as sports on a ladder and enable to climb rapidly on the tree to reach the fruit. 
[[image: vertical branch with two smaller branches cut on each side as described above.]]
[[underline]] Incisions [[/underline]] are made