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the neighborhoods since the gradual encroachment of [[underline]] Annamites and Chinese [[/underline]] Many a [[underline]] field or hut is abandoned [[/underline]] [[strikethrough]] to be [[/strikethrough]] and they move [[strikethrough]] into [[/strikethrough]] [[underline]] further into the forest where they [[/underline]] are by themselves. Says there is [[underline]] little crime [[/underline]] amongst them [[strikethrough]] They are [[/strikethrough]] Their women are very free but their husbands are very severe with them in [[underline]] case of infidelity, [[/underline]] in some cases inflicting death to woman, paramour and child.
Their [[underline]] children seem happy and playful. [[/underline]] Stark naked except for an occasional silver bracelet on the ankles. Children have head closely shaven except for [[underline]] one long scalp [[/underline]] lock which is shaved off
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with much ceremony towards age of puberty.
Just before the hotel and near the [[underline]] pond of Angkor Watt [[/underline]] stands a tall [[underline]] old Mango trees. [[/underline]] Under this tree [[underline]] gather day and night [[/underline]] some small cambodgian [[underline]] boys and girls [[/underline]] about 7 to 10 years old. They carry a woven bamboo basket in which they gather the fallen mangoes. If the wind shakes the tree there is an abundant shower of [[underline]] mangoes [[/underline]] and there is a hurried [[underline]] scrambling [[/underline]] for the first amongst cheerful [[underline]] laughter [[/underline]] and happiness, then the youngsters talk smilingly in their one syllabic words [[underline]] all this quietly without noise. [[/underline]] and thus await next drop of the fruit