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His feet are always bare. While he was wrestling with ignition and carburettor and feed pipe and what not I went into the jungle and suddenly found myself in company of two wild peacocks, which are said to be so shy as to be almost unapproachable. While watching them I found myself in company of [[underline]] numerous jumping monkeys, [[/underline]] swinging from tree to tree. After an hour when I went back [[underline]] Mem [[/underline]] was still wrestling with the car which refused to budge. He asked [[underline]] Tap [[/underline]] and myself to push it while he would try to sit at the wheel and start it thus. So on
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we went push-push-push.- at 90°F in the shade, [[strikethrough]] sh [[/strikethrough]] sun at Zenith in the Tropics. Engine gave 2 or 3 explosions and to my intense relief went and the day was saved and it felt cool again when driving with the open windshield.
These [[underline]] Watts [[/underline]] after awhile seem a monotonous repetition of the same thing. Saw one of the [[underline]] bonzes [[/underline]] sitting in the shade of a ruin, writing in Cambodgian on a palm-leaf. Entered into conversation with him thru [[underline]] Tap. [[/underline]] Cheerful chap of limited education but good natured, wandering cheerfully in the hot sun [[underline]] from one Watt to the other from one pagoda [[/underline]] to the