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near Siam border than rounding the [[strkethrough]] Great L [[/strikethough]] Grand Lac to Battambang 
Sleep at Battambang Bungalow, which is said to be excellent, thence to Pnom Penh. But the road is under repair and sandy at one stretch, and I was advised by wire that the last rain has made roads impassable so I remained here and to morrow will return to Pnom Penh by the same road as I came
March 30. Left at 5:40 Invited Mit with me At 10 A.M arrived at Kompong Tom Bungalow Early lunch. Then walked around little town to stores: Found excellent Cognac (French) at one Am [[strikethrough]] Bottle an [[/strikethrough]] Dollar a
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quart bottle. Port wine at $1.25. Champagne at 80 cents a pint bottle in Chinese Stores 
In another store Silvered glass Budhas, made in Germany are offered for sale. Notice American canned fruits, and asparagus.
Left again at 12:10 Under way met car with Americans (Mr. Coffin of Boston and his wife) who are on way to Angkor and had a puncture. Little later we had one too. Road now seems very familiar arrive [[underline]] Pnom Penh. [[/underline]] 5 P.M. Manouris has given me one of his best rooms now at the Grand Hotel. [[underline]] Pnom Penh [[/underline]] now looks like a large town to me. Good sleep 
Good [[quatuor.?]]