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hats, to expensive [[underline]] Jewelry [[/underline]] or [[underline]] family heirlooms. [[/underline]] All this is going on briskly and no other place seems well and steadily patronized. Place is in charge of a [[underline]] stoutish young Dutchman [[/underline]] who speaks no English and whose old Huguenot name is [[underline]] Chevalier, [[/underline]] originating in the Walloon provinces. He says [[underline]] Government charges [[/underline]] 6% [[underline]] interest [[/underline]] per month [[underline]] (72% per year), [[/underline]] thinks it high [[underline]] but says Chinese [[/underline]] pawnshops [[underline]] charged much higher [[/underline]] and dealt less fairly until Government Pawn shops were organized. Pawnery about this New - Year time very heavy. [[underline]] Hundreds [[/underline]] of [[underline]] thousands guilders spent on fireworks [[/underline]] most of the [[underline]] money obtained [[/underline]] by [[underline]] pawning. [[/underline]] showed me a silver tea-service offered by the Dutch Government
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to one of the Sultans, and which one of his heirs had [[strikethrough]] pawned. [[/strikethrough]] [[underline]] given in pawn. [[/underline]] Many [[underline]] American Gold coins [[/underline]] used for ornaments as brooches etc. pawned also British and Turkish gold. Saw rows of Singer - machines and bicycles, also some phonographs. Walked thru market then mixed school for boys and ditto for girls. Mixtures of tow heads and black Malay some almost white tow-hair and very dark eyes. [[underline]] Considerable since mixture. [[/underline]] On the Aloon-Aloon, or public place usual white Mosque and houses of Resident all white and clean.
Drove to [[underline]] Tjipanas [[/underline]] where there are hot springs and a limpid open air hot swimming tank. The man in charge commands respect because he has been to Mecca