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the [[underline]] Official Governement Touring Bureau here is Mr. Van Harrevelt, [[/underline]] a young man of pleasant manners, speaks excellent English and lives at the [[underline]] Pasangahran at Singaradja. [[/underline]] Is also passenger agent for K.P.M. Co. He [[underline]] also was waiting for me giving me all desired information, has wired ahead for accommodations at the Pasangahram [[/underline]] where I am to stop. Left [[underline]] Boeleleng [[/underline]] 7:50 AM. then to [[underline]] [[strikethrough]] Singradja [[/strikethrough]] Singaradja [[/underline]] thence inland. This Island [[underline]] reminds one of Jamaica [[/underline]] as far as roads, landscape and vegetation are concerned. [[underline]] Roads good. [[/underline]] First along the shore. Then climbing road.  Bramin- [[underline]] Hindoo temples [[/underline]] or monuments occur every once in awhile. Peculiar construction (See photos) Villages are
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made of [[underline]] woven bamboo huts, [[/underline]] grouped inside a walled enclosure. Wall 6-7 ft high, carefully built and here and there entrance openings. ^[[Small]] [[underline]] Hindoo shrines everywhere [[/underline]] near houses. Continuation [[underline]] procession of coolies, and rice bearers and women; the latter all bare breasted, barefooted and bareheaded, their long black hair being swung ^[[swung]] into a [[strikethrough]] Greecian [[/strikethrough]] knot. [[/underline]] They all walk [[underline]] erect in graceful posture carrying a basket [[/underline]] or a vase in [[underline]] stoneware [[/underline]] or a copper container [[underline]] on their head. [[/underline]] Their [[underline]] sarongs [[/underline]] instead of reaching just above their breasts [[underline]] are fastened just below. [[/underline]] They walk one behind another along

Transcription Notes:
"pasanggrahan" is Javanese for "guest house"