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(Menduek?) about 10.30 A.M 
took some [[underline]] boiled [[/underline]] eggs and proceeded to [[underline]] Den Passar [[/underline]] where I had my lunch. Place is run by a [[underline]] Dutchman [[/underline]] who [[strikethrough]] lets [[/strikethrough]] keeps away and lets his [[underline]] Dutch speaking Mestiz wife do the management, [[/underline]] with native help the latter knowing nothing but [[underline]] Balinese and Malay. Heydekker [[/underline]] and his wife, [[underline]] 2 Dutch Tourists [[/underline]] whom I met before arrived also [[underline]] to stop here: [[/underline]] [[strikethrough]] De [[/strikethrough]] The [[underline]] Pasangrahan [[/underline]] (Rest House) of Den Passar is made of [[underline]] woven bamboo [[/underline]] and has the same [[underline]] iron beds without sheet or covers [[/underline]] and provided with [[underline]] mosquito [[/underline]] netting as they [[underline]] all have. [[/underline]] Same [[underline]] splash-pan bathing [[/underline]] arrangement. About 4 or 6 rooms in all.
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There is another guest, a Dutch [[underline]] governement employe [[/underline]] who is on his way to [[underline]] hunt tigers [[/underline]] in the North of Bali which is wild and has few inhabitants. [[strikethrough]] W [[/strikethrough]] While sitting on a chair near public road tried to make [[strikethrough]] many [[/strikethrough]] ^[[some]] photos of passing women. [[underline]] Den Pasar is a sort of capital. [[/underline]] Went to see near by temples, almost all the same.
Evening we had a [[underline]] Balinese representation [[/underline]] of one of their old dances. First came 2 or 3 musicians with their gilded gamelan outfit consisting of bronze gongs. They squatted on the ground before the entrance steps to the Rest House, then came more and more, until finally there were about

Transcription Notes:
"Menduek" may refer to "Moendoek" or the "Munduk" region of Bali.