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28 The [[underline]] Heydeckers [[/underline]] who had cabin next to mine had similar experience. I suspect that the [[underline]] Coconut and Pomelo [[/underline]] fruit they took into their cabin was the reason for [[underline]] the Ants [[/underline]] coming out of the hold into the cabins This boat comes from [[underline]] Makassar [[/underline]] and makes the [[underline]] round trip of all the outlaying Dutch [[/underline]] Islands. About 20 first Cabin passengers and a large number steerage of every race and appearance. [[underline]] May 19. [[/underline]] I have to stop in [[underline]] Soerabaya [[/underline]] to wait for SS. [[underline]] Planeius [[/underline]] a new and best steamer going directly to [[underline]] Singapore and stopping at Samarang and Batavia [[/underline]] [[end page]] [[start page]] 29 Went to [[underline]] Consul Winslow [[/underline]] no telegrams. Cabled my date of arrival [[underline]] Singapore. [[/underline]] At [[underline]] Oranje Hotel [[/underline]] they gave me a ground floor room supposed to be better [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] than the 2d. floor room I had first. It has a [[underline]] private! splash bath room [[/underline]] & W.C which is not private at all because it opens on the service road of the hotel where all motor cars and help pass and is not even protected by a door. [[underline]] Very noisy and full of mosquitoes and hotter. Soerabaya is the hottest [[/underline]] place I had in Batavia and [[underline]] very noisy. [[/underline]] But [[underline]] people here are certainly more active [[/underline]] and this is a [[strikethrough]] live [[/strikethrough]] [[underline]] livelier business- [[/underline]]