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also about a dozen [[underline]] Chinese. Others British or Danish; one Frenchman [[strikethrough]] I am [[/strikethrough]] one [[strikethrough]] Chin [[/strikethrough]] Australian half Chinese. I am the only American. [[/underline]] Officers, crew and waiters all [[underline]] Japanese and make good impression [[/underline]] 
Loading, [[underline]] tin, [[/underline]] rubber and Copra. [[strikethrough]] Lage [[/strikethrough]] Quite extensive 2d class accommodations aft, amongst whom several [[underline]] catholic priests - who speak German. [[/underline]]
The [[underline]] Steerage [[/underline]] is the same motley [[underline]] mixture of Japs, Chinese, Malays, Tamils, [[strikethrough]] Arab [[/strikethrough]] Cingalize, Arabs etc all sleeping on mats [[/underline]] [[strikethrough]] an [[/strikethrough]] spread here and there on deck under an awning. A few [[underline]] Russian bolshevik [[/underline]] looking men, of [[underline]] Jewish [[/underline]] appearance
[[vertical annotation in left margin]] Arabs selling precious stones on deck. 
[[/vertical annotation]]
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some of them with spectacles and reading books, shabby genteel, probably Russians who have drifted over Japan or China and [[underline]] keep on drifting [[/underline]]
[[underline]] May 28. [[/underline]] Left at 6 AM. Bath tubs again but no shower. I improvise one by [[strikethrough]] po [[/strikethrough]] emptying basin of fresh water over my head.  
[[underline]] 85°F in my cabin, [[/underline]] same outside little wind. [[underline]] Sea water [[/underline]] temperature reported [[underline]] 86°F. [[/underline]]
At 8:00 AM pass close to some outlying [[strikethrough]] lan [[/strikethrough]] [[underline]] Islands of Sumatra or the Ding Dings? [[/underline]] Same smooth sea, little wind. At 3:30 P.M. dropt anchor before [[underline]] Mallaca. [[/underline]] Lighters and sampans around.  [[underline]] Freight handled [[/underline]] with much more care and intelligence [[underline]] than in South America [[/underline]]