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46 [[underline]] Mostly Rubber. [[/underline]] [[strikethrough]] Unloadin [[/strikethrough]] well packed in square wooden boxes. Unload Japanese Cement in barrels. [[underline]] Dr. Russell [[/underline]] of the Rockefeller Institute and studying Tropical diseases, here in Mallaca at the hospital came on board to go to [[underline]] Penang. [[/underline]] His wife is with him. Both very young, he is a [[underline]] Cornell Medical School [[/underline]] graduate, she Boston University. He makes excellent impression and served [[underline]] under Darling. [[/underline]] He and his wife had just heard of his death. [[underline]] Darling had acquired unanimous admiration and friendliness from all [[/underline]] who worked with him or under him. [[strikehrough]] The [[/strikethrough]] He, his secretary and another [[strikethrough]] man [[/strikethrough]] ^[[ma]] [[underline]] got killed [[/underline]] at the same time in [[underline]] Beirut [[/underline]] [[end page]] [[start page]] 47 where he had been sent to [[strikethrough]] stud [[/strikethrough]] eliminate [[underline]] Malaria. Russel [[/underline]] and his wife [[strikethrough]] arrived [[/strikethrough]] left New York early January. They like Malacca. [[underline]] Russell is in love with his work [[/underline]] and a serious minded man. Knows several of my friends Tells me [[underline]] native nurses [[/underline]] here in the hospital are [[underline]] rather hearthless with their patients. Most of the physicians are natives or mixed blood. [[/underline]] [[underline]] May 29 [[/underline]] Smooth seas, little wind same temperature day and night [[underline]] 85°F. [[/underline]] Now and then we see the shore, then distant mountains in sight. Our steamer carries big cargo of [[underline]] silk [[/underline]] and must make London before July 1 [[/underline]] when new duty on silk goods goes in effect in England.