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48 She is making about 13½ knots. We make [[underline]] Penang [[/underline]] about 4 PM. At anchor. Launch takes us ashore. Ricksaw to E&O. Hotel (European & Oriental Hotel) well situated near seashore with distant mountains in sight, and rooms facing the sea, and green lawn with tables. Seems [[underline]] pleasant situation. [[/underline]] Town of numerous streets mostly [[strikethrough]] Ja [[/strikethrough]] [[underline]] Chinese shops [[/underline]] But streets are straight and wide enough. [[underline]] No passport [[/underline]] examination nor [[underline]] customs examination. Mangosteens offered for sale [[/underline]] everywhere. Bought some for on board. Noticed also heaps of a fruit similar to Jackfruit or Bread [[end page]] [[start page]] 49 fruit but with sharper points. Whenever I saw it noticed an [[underline]] unpleasant odor. [[/underline]] I asked whether it was [[underline]] Durian [[/underline]] and my Chinese Ricksaw-man said: "Yes". This is the first time I have seen this ill smelling fruit, which some people like very much but which is disliked by most. it has white sections inside similarly to [[underline]] pomelo [[/underline]] and has a fetid smell. [[underline]] Penang [[/underline]] seems prosperous and [[underline]] business-men [[/underline]] living there say it is [[underline]] the best place in the Malay States. [[/underline]] I notice several new Mosques, Arabic style of recent construction. Altho' there are endless Chinese shops where articles of common usage are sold. I found very little choice