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of anything interesting in the art or souvenir line. So contrary to my intentions I bought nothing. A large number of [[underline]] hairy Tamils [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] Am told Malays make poor workers.  Tamils and Chinese, [[/underline]] specially the latter [[underline]] much better. [[/underline]] I have [[underline]] caught cold [[/underline]] notwithstanding this hot sultry weather and feel rather uncomfortable with sore throat, sneezing and coughing.  
Steamer left 11 P.M.
[[underline]] May 30. [[/underline]] Same smooth seas at 11 P.M. pass extreme point of [[underline]] Sumatra. [[/underline]] Games are being organized on board. Many [[underline]] children [[/underline]] on board but [[strikethrough]] they [[/strikethrough]] altho' they can have the deck, they are [[underline]] kept out of smoking room and drawing room, [[/underline]] much [[underline]] better [[/underline]] than
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in [[underline]] French [[/underline]] and other [[underline]] steamers in this respect. [[/underline]] Steamer is well run. Officers make good impression. same can be said of passengers. almost all young businessmen and their wives, some others alone.
[[underline]] May 31 The British style [[/underline]] of wearing [[underline]] black trousers [[/underline]] and a [[underline]] white cotton mens jacket [[/underline]] standing collar and black tie for formal evening dress [[underline]] seems the rule [[/underline]] as well as in the Malay State towns. [[underline]] Japanese passengers [[/underline]] as well as Japanese [[underline]] officers [[/underline]] and [[underline]] Danes [[/underline]] and [[underline]] others follow it. [[/underline]] It [[underline]] seems awkward [[/underline]] and [[underline]] illogical [[/underline]] to me of [[underline]] wearing black [[strikethrough]] trouser [[/strikethrough]] woolen stuffy trousers instead of clean white comfortable trousers. [[/underline]] Some of the Britishers as well as the Chinese business men