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54 Kernel so easily. Air temperature = 83°F [[underline]] Temperature seawater 81°T [[/underline]] A ship of the [[underline]] Blue Funnel [[/underline]] line has been alongside us for the last 3 days and now crosses our bow. We are making about [[underline]] 12.7 [[/underline]] Knots [[underline]] June 2. Mangosteens still good. [[/underline]] Temp in my room only [[underline]] 80°F [[/underline]] and less sultry Wind increasing but not yet in steady direction showing that the new [[underline]] Monsoon [[/underline]] has not broken. [[underline]] June 3. [[/underline]] Strong rain last night. Up at 4:30 AM. Reach [[underline]] Colombo, 5 A.M. Fine breakwater, [[/underline]] spacious harbor, only a few steamers. [[underline]] Good [[/underline]] engineering of harbor. At 6 AM. all steerage passengers drawn up in line on deck for medical [[end page]] [[start page]] 55 examination. A varied collection of races and types. All are barefooted, men women & children. Almost all [[underline]] East Indian type. See no Chinese nor Japanese nor Negroes. [[/underline]] Some have [[underline]] caste marks, [[/underline]] vertical & horizontal on their face. Women and children are in bright light clothes, several of them with [[underline]] ^[[bright]] sarong, [[/underline]] red or pink and a bright band slung over their naked upper body so as to cover right shoulder and breast. All wear all [[underline]] their jewelry, on fingers, in nose, ears, ankles and wrists. Some silver others gold [[/underline]] or what looks like gold. As we leave tonight there is just time for a visit to Mount [[underline]] Lavinia and Kandy. [[/underline]] Passport examined also small baggage. Hired