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56 a seven passenger [[underline]] motor car (Hudson) [[/underline]] new for 120 Rupees for the trip. Rupee varies from 2.10R to 2.65R per Am. Dollar. The Japanese Cabin Passengers and about 8 Chinese take also cars for same excursion. This is the [[underline]] King's Birthday [[/underline]] so all principal stores kept by [[strikethrough]] Britis [[/strikethrough]] Britishers are close. The others are open. Trip around town. [[underline]] Oldest Church [[/underline]] is the one [[underline]] built by the Dutch. [[/underline]] I notice several [[underline]] Dutch names [[/underline]] of streets, also some [[underline]] Dutch names of inhabitants [[/underline]] or business men. A [[underline]] few Portuguese [[/underline]] names remind that [[underline]] Colombo [[/underline]] at first belonged to [[underline]] Dutch [[/underline]] and [[underline]] Portugese. [[/underline]] See no Chinese here. [[underline]] Cingalese men [[/underline]] [[end page]] [[start page]] 57 and women [[underline]] are taller [[/underline]] and [[underline]] more graceful [[/underline]] than [[underline]] Malays Men and women wear hair long. [[/underline]] Women [[underline]] tie it in a knot. so do the men [[/underline]] and they keep it up with a semi-circled comb put as a crown on top of their heads. and the two pointed extremities point forward and gives the impression that they are wearing [[underline]] two small horns. [[/underline]] The men and women are [[underline]] saronged, [[/underline]] the [[underline]] upper body is bare [[/underline]] for the [[underline]] men, [[/underline]] unless they wear a white cotton or other jacket above it, just as the Malays do. Except the [[underline]] Moslems who are in [[strikethrough]] ma [[/strikethrough]] minority here, [[/underline]] they wear no Fez [[underline]] nor round cap. [[/underline]] Bareheaded with a comb