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58 Moslems a fez or a turban or both, as in Egypt. [[underline]] Barefeet [[/underline]] are the [[underline]] general rule [[\underline]] for [[underline]] men [[\underline]] and women. [[strikethrough]] Sarong [[/strikethrough]] [[underline]] Women [[/underline]] wear either a piece of bright [[underline]] cotton [[/underline]] slung over their naked right shoulder or a light bodice which does not join entirely the upper part of sarong and leaves a few inches [[strikethrough]] of skin [[/strikethrough]] bare. Men [[underline]] wear moustaches [[/underline]] and [[underline]] beards; older men [[/underline]] with [[underline]] long flowing white beards [[/underline]] and [[underline]] white hair [[/underline]] and the Aryan ^[[Aryan]] [[strikethrough]] fa as [[/strikethrough]] lines of their faces look very dignified. Is undoubdetly a [[underline]] much handsome race men and women than Malay, Chinese, Japanese [[/underline]] [[end page]] [[start page]] 59 [[underline]] Siamese, Cambodgians [[/underline]] or any I have visited. Some of the [[underline]] faces of men [[/underline]] and [[underline]] women [[/underline]] are [[underline]] very handsome [[/underline]] with delicate lines. and except [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] for color of the skin [[underline]] remind the best facial lines of the white races. [[/underline]] It is [[underline]] not difficult to conceive a [[strikethrough]] relation between [[/strikethrough]] common origin between these races and the best races of Europe. [[/underline]] Painters artists and sculpturers can find abundant material here. The [[underline]] flat [[strikethrough]] heads or [[/strikethrough]] faces and peaked heads, [[/underline]] and [[underline]] stubby noses of Chinese, Japanese & Malays are absent here. [[/underline]] The heads are [[underline]] elongated [[/underline]] and the lines of chin, nose and cheeks [[underline]] are as graceful [[/underline]] as the [[underline]] best [[/underline]] of [[underline]] Europe or U.S. [[/underline]]