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A rather large hotel just near the beach, surrounded by [[underline]] Coconut palms. [[/underline]] Little [[underline]] Catamaran [[/underline]] sailboats, with [[underline]] outrigger [[/underline]] and carrying a [[underline]] large square sail [[/underline]] used by fisherman.  General shape rather similar to the boats in [[underline]] Honolulu. [[/underline]] Then back [[strikethrough]] through [[/strikethrough]] thru Colombo to Kandy. Now begins a beautiful and interesting drive along good roads, altho' they are narrow as in Java.  [[underline]] General aspect of landscape, similar [[/underline]] to that of [[underline]] Java. [[/underline]] Same [[underline]] bright or brighter colors [[/underline]] as in [[underline]] Java, [[/underline]] and much handsomer population and [[underline]] more smiling faces. [[/underline]] People look [[underline]] more intelligent [[/underline]] children [[underline]] wave their hands [[/underline]]
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Very fertile smiling country Endless Coconut trees. [[underline]] Huts of natives instead of woven bamboo [[/underline]] are made of [[underline]] dried mud [[/underline]] plastered on a rough shelter of bamboo. Walls several inches thick. [[underline]] Roofs of heavy spanish tiles [[/underline]] instead of flemish tiles as in Java. Some of them tatched as most of them in Java. [[underline]] What is more [[/underline]] striking is [[underline]] the better race [[/underline]] and [[strikethrough]] more [[/strikethrough]] [[underline]] dignified [[/underline]] appearance of [[underline]] older men bearded [[/underline]] or [[underline]] moustached. [[/underline]] Some of the [[underline]] little buffalo carts, [[/underline]] driven by half naked men [[strikethrough]] remind [[/strikethrough]] have an arched cover of bamboo and palm leaves which [[underline]] reminds [[/underline]] of the shape of the [[underline]] covers [[/underline]] of [[underline]] Prairie Schooners [[/underline]] of pioneer days in U.S.