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European shops are closed. Went to some [[underline]] native shop [[/underline]] and bought [[underline]] 3 safety gold pins [[/underline]] [[strikethrough]] with [[strikethrough]] each with a mounted [[underline]] stone, one a spinel, one a zircon, one an emerald, one a saphire? also some gold shirt buttons with blue moonstones. [[/underline]]
Back on board by means of a Sampan I hired, in time for supper. [[underline]] Lifted anchor at [[/underline]] 9 P.M.  
[[underline]] June 4. [[/underline]] Next stop is [[underline]] Port Said. [[/underline]] Was astonished [[underline]] no to find a cable from George at Colombo. [[/underline]]
Cloudy and moderate winds
This is the time for doing some writing [[strikethrough]] and and to make a report of my connections [[/strikethrough]]
Send wireless 6 words to George confirming my [[underline]] Singapore [[/underline]]
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cable, name of boat and line and date arrival [[underline]] Marseilles [[/underline]] = (10 yen.) [[underline]] Sultry [[/underline]] altho temp. [[strikethrough]] at 10 P.M. is 78° [[/strikethrough]] is [[underline]] 82°T [[/underline]] [[strikethrough]] at 10 P.M. wind [[/strikethrough]] no or little wind. At 10 P.M. light wind comes up ahead, and temperature lower to 78°F. Is this the [[strikethrough]] M [[/strikethrough]] [[underline]] S.W. Monsoon [[/underline]] that has broken, altho' at present its direction is more N.W.? A [[underline]] Norwegian sail ship captain tells me the direction of the monsoon is not steadily S.W. [[/underline]] but swings from N to S. settling to S.W. [[underline]] For first time no fan needed in my cabin [[/underline]] during the night as I had the wind on our side (Starboard
[[vertical annotation in left margin]] 
June 5 / Air 85°F. Sea = 83°F. Headwinds (monsoon?) slight pitching. Squall and rain. [[/vertical annotation]]
[[underline]] June 6. [[/underline]] Headwinds keep up and stronger. Plenty of ventilation now in ship but still sultry. [[underline]] Monsoon turns to S.W. steady direction [[/underline]] now. Moderate