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pitching. Some [[underline]] passengers seasick. [[/underline]]
Second cabin passengers, mostly [[underline]] Japanese have sword practice [[strikethrough]] as fore de [[/strikethrough]] after deck also ji-jitsu wrestling. [[/underline]]
In steerage there are many poles, ^[[Poles]] some with spectacles others bearded who are being [[underline]] repatriated from Shanghai [[/underline]] where they have been quite a [[underline]] problem [[/underline]] ever since the war, to such an extent that [[strikethrough]] for many [[/strikethrough]] friends had to be collected to get rid of them. I notice a [[strikethrough]] tall [[/strikethrough]] tall bearded half bald man ^[[wearing spectacles]] who likes to linger in his soiled bath robe. They tell me he is a [[underline]] former Russian General who got stranded in Shanghai.[[/underline]]
[[underline]] June 7 [[/underline]] (Sunday) No doubt this is the S.W. [[underline]] Monsoon [[/underline]]
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[[underline]] stronger every day. [[/underline]] I notice that shortly before noon the sun [[strikethrough]] makes [[/strikethrough]] casts its shadow slightly Southwards. [[strikethrough]] This is one of the [[/strikethrough]] and seems in a northerly position altho' we are going straight West. - Due to neighborhood of equator?
[[underline]] June 8. [[/underline]] We have left [[underline]] Indian Ocean [[/underline]] and are now in [[underline]] Arabian Sea [[/underline]] since two days. [[underline]] Monsoon increasing [[/underline]] in strength and makes pleasant ventilation altho' [[strikethrough]] Portside [[/strikethrough]] air is saturated with moisture. Portside now much exposed and [[strikethrough]] portholes [[/strikethrough]] closed portholes make Port Cabins very stuffy. Many [[underline]] people sleeping on deck in chairs [[/underline]] or in smoking room on sophas. Waves and wind strike on port bow at an excellent angle so there is not much pitching.  At [[strikethrough]] noon [[/strikethrough]] mid-