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night passed [[underline]] Island of Socotra. [[/underline]]
[[underline]] June 9. Deck games [[/underline]] going on all day.  [[underline]] Japs, Chinese, British and Scandinavians [[/underline]] all joining heartily also captain and other officers.
Temp. at 6 AM = 78°F [[underline]] No fans needed. [[/underline]]  Feels pleasantly cool. Less strong headseas. At 2 P.M. groundswell but almost smooth surface and very light winds. We are now protected by Cape [[underline]] Guardafui [[/underline]] entering [[underline]] Gulf of Aden. [[/underline]] It is getting hotter 86°F in my cabin but not too sultry. Sea temperature is 79°F.
[[underline]] June 10. [[/underline]] At 6 AM. 87°F and almost smooth sea. At 10 A.M see faint mountain lines on S.B.  Getting hotter, now 89°F. Sea temperature [[underline]] 89° [[/underline]] Run in 24 hrs. 349 miles or
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about 14 1/2 Knots. Ship was built at [[underline]] Nagasaki [[/underline]] in 1914.
at 3 P.M pass [[underline]] Aden, [[/underline]] well visible on SB.  Sharp edged mountains in distance, head land seems flat & barren except near shore where some green is visible. This must be a hot country. At 9 P.M pass [[underline]] Babel-Mandeb. [[/underline]] At 10 P.M. 90 °F and very sultry, wilted [[underline]] collars [[/underline]] and damp hot air when going to bed.  Thank Heavens there are no Mosquitoes to bother us in such a sultry air and [[underline]] one can afford to sleep naked with an electric fan blowing. [[/underline]]
[[underline]] June 11 [[/underline]] Temperature about [[underline]] 90°F [[/underline]] all day, we are out of the Monsoon region and winds are very light. We have passed half a dozen steamers going in opposite direction also